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新款Surface RT將加入Tegra 4、1080P螢幕
Sep 9th 2013, 23:51

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Learn Adobe Illustrator CS6 Master Techniques from an Adobe Guru!

With over 25 years of experience teaching, Robert Farrell has been a trusted instructor for individuals and companies who want to improve their Adobe skills.
From our sponsors
Seagate Ultra-Mobile硬碟 強調防震與省電
Sep 9th 2013, 23:26

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Start taking a college level music theory class today.

This beginner class is now accessible to aspiring musicians of all ages. Learn all of the basic concepts in an easy to follow manner.
From our sponsors
iPhone 5C實機操作影片 可順暢運作iOS 7
Sep 9th 2013, 23:25

chinjie444 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

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小米推電視 雷軍:可能會慘賠
Sep 9th 2013, 23:00

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Ridiculous Developers

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代理Autodesk 聯強跨3D列印
Sep 9th 2013, 23:00

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Are you an avid runner? Or even just starting out?

Brooks designs high-performance men's and women's running shoes, apparel and accessories.
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電子商務登陸 台商可持股2/3
Sep 9th 2013, 19:21

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閉門會議 陸三位司長將出席
Sep 9th 2013, 19:21

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Are you an avid runner? Or even just starting out?

Brooks designs high-performance men's and women's running shoes, apparel and accessories.
From our sponsors
獨家實測 首款臉書雲端印表機
Sep 9th 2013, 23:00

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Shop Best Buy

Find this week's deals in computers, cameras, phones, and more! Choose store pick up or other shipment options.
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3C News:iPad專用瀏覽器 易滑好上手
Sep 9th 2013, 23:00

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3C News:華碩新Nexus 7 比美國貴
Sep 9th 2013, 23:00

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